Wire Fitting

The step of measuring for a wire is what the entire bra pattern is centered around.  The ready-to-wear industry deals in averages and you may be used to whatever average wire is associated with the average volume of your breast, but in custom making and drafting, we get that wire to fit YOUR BODY.  I've shared some of my favorite links for those who are looking to sew their own on this page.

This is one part of the process where it is essential to get a good fit and to get that fit, a bra maker must be able to place wires along your (naked) ribcage and assess whether or not we have the correct size and shape for your anatomy.  Sometimes this means using a flexible wire or ruler that we mold to your shape, sometimes this means trying different wires along the infra-mammary crease. This fitting is usually under 20 minutes. Once we've determined your wire size, then we typically move on to fitting a band.