Bravo Bella on Frame Diameter

by - February 29, 2020

I love the way Monica explains the concept of your band having the right diameter for your Frame.

Basically, everything in fitting a bra starts with a wire that is the right width and this post and video of hers below has resonated with people in the past.

The only things I would add is, first, in the Bare essentials drafting method, Jennifer has come up with some mathematical ways to estimate the volume above some of the past methods, so getting your pattern to fit more correctly is less of a mystery. Secondly, weight gain/loss can absolutely change wire diameter.

Einstein and Bra Fitting

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." -Albert Einstein And so it is in the world of bra making. Fitting is by far the most difficult aspect of the bra making journey. This is partly because in our effort to make it simple, we have made it a bit too simple.
Here is Monica's video that is featured in the blog post above.

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