
Creating a Sloper

A sloper in any garment sewing is a design sheet to make new designs on that will fit you because it's based on your fitted pattern. Bra slopers function the same way and are based on your draft volume bra or your eve pattern. You might brainstorm on a sheet like this. 

Then, when it comes time to make it in your size, this template is designed to skip the trial and error of drafting and skip straight to designing interesting new seamlines.

Obviously, this is a very flat representation of patterns that are very round. What is unique to the Bare Essentials method of drafting bras is the calculations for how much curve is added to the lines in each of these locations on the sloper star grid. The curves added in the drafting process are recalculated by mathematical formulas to get designs that fit without much tweaking.

The process of getting to a sloper takes a while, but once we have reached a fitting draft volume bra, we know the designs based on the sloper will magically fit, so subsequent bras are not starting over at the beginning.