Sew Along - The Eve Part 2

by - March 18, 2020

If this is your first trial of this pattern, I highly recommend making a fitting band, following the process I did with A Client's Fitting Band Part 1 and Part 2 before moving on to cutting out the bra like Jennifer does in part 2 of the Eve instructions. I did some extra steps that makes it easier to change the center front for the splay of the wires, sides seams for the angle of the torso shaping and the curve of the back, in case a downward hike is needed where you have side back darts in clothing for a very curved small of the back and a very rounded shoulders (dowagers hump). I mention this before moving on to step 2, because Part 2 is cutting out your fabric and you would then cut it differently. Here's Jennifer's fitting band video and she does each wire differently to show 2 different methods of attaching cups.

Once a fitting band is established, then cut out and stitch together the cups to try in the band.  If they fit ok, they can be reused in the final bra.  If not, you either go up a cup size or down a cup size as necessary like I did in the tester cups for my client's test cups.

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