Here is our course platform and the beginning sewing classes we are offering to teach people how to sew. Like from the very beginning. There's a workbook, lessons with videos, and a practice project at the end. Its available at an an early release discount while I'm still developing the course, but should be fully live by the end of February 2021!
I've been putting together sewing classes and I've always thought it would be great to offer a kit of items I use DAILY, but a kit probably isn't useful for everyone because they probably have some or all of what I would put in the kit. So I thought of a next best thing.
In full disclosure, these are affiliate links. The products won't cost you any extra to buy them, but if you click through and buy from these links, I'll get a few pennies for it. Having said that, I picked all of these things because I use them daily.
If you plan to buy from amazon, please use my links to help me stay active in my amazon account so I can bring you items like this in the future!!